Our little one is due to arrive February 21st, so I reckon I might be turning my hand to portrait photography after all! I'll have an in-house model, after all. I have added a ticker to my blog to help follow my progress to becoming a mommy :)
Thank you to those who were concerned about me in my absence and contacted me to make sure I was all right. Sorry I didn't spill the beans sooner, but we wanted to wait till this all-important first trimester was behind us and we'd had this first scan. I'm 15 weeks pregnant today!
Congratulations Anna & Chris.
Congratulations! I'm excited for you and I'm sure we'll be seeing some pretty awesome photos of your little bundle of joy! Dee aka Jacalynsnana
Congratulation and this is a happy new :)
Oh Anna!!!! I have tears in my eyes...I'm so thrilled for you. You are embarking on the most wonderful journey ever. Many congratulations to you both {{HUGS}}
We kept our second pregnancy quiet up until 16 months - it was better that way! We told everyone way too soon with Kate and I think everyone (especially my work colleagues!!!!) felt as if my pregnancy had lasted WAYYYYY too long!
Congratulations !!
So is it a he or a she?
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