This fellow was showboating on a perch over the lake just outside the hide I was sitting in. He must have spent about 10 minutes preening and posing. I was transfixed!

Just playing with the Samsung, the kit lens, and some close up filters.

This is the first live hedgehog I've ever seen! I turned a corner in the forest just in time to see him scuttling from the path into the undergrowth. He then snuffled about for about 15 minutes while I watched him and took photos. I was hoping he'd make himself a bit more visible, but he seemed far too happy where he was to accomodate me! I was flabbergasted though; although I was crouched on the side of the path taking photos, there were so many people who just marched on by, never pausing to enquire about what was so fascinating to me. They just walked far too quickly to ever notice....

Another of the showoff :)
It felt good to vent in my post earlier today about my lack of photographic inspiration, and I appreciate those who read this blog and keep encouraging and supporting me. It means a great deal. Thank you. {{{HUGS}}} Here's hoping tomorrow is another good photo day!
It must be really rare to get a photo of an hedgehog in the wild! Well spotted....lovely photos.Here's to another inspired day.
So glad to read the weather has cleared a little for you! Threatening rain again here but I must get on with tidying the house anyway!!
Lovely shots Anna :o) Have a nice Sunday {{HUGS}} xx
I love watching birds. They're always so serious, even when they do things that seem funny.
Great hedgehog shot too.
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