Thursday 8 February 2007

February 8 ~ Nightmare!

"Noooooooo!" shouted Mini-Me, as the monsters moved closer. He shielded his face, hoping that when he next peeked out, they would be gone. He dared to look. The monsters continued to approach. What would Mini-Me do?

Phew.... just a nightmare, but boy, did it feel real to Mini-Me!

Well, today was my first day "back at work" so to speak; my first day in my branch in a non-training capacity, anyhow! Monday I start interviewing bank customers again, and I'm really looking forward to it - it will be good to get back into a routine. I'm delighted to be the new mortgage adviser in the branch where I was the financial adviser - wonderful staff, great customers.

I also went to my new second branch today for the first time, to be introduced to everyone. It's a rather strange feeling to meet one's new co-workers, but they all seem very nice. I start there two weeks from Monday - I'll be spending every Monday and Wednesday at the new branch, and Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays in the branch I've always worked in. There's a big work "do" tomorrow night - bank awards - so will get to socialize a bit with them all. Looking forward to getting dressed up!

No snow here AT ALL, despite the few inches that crippled much of the south of the UK - I was SO disappointed not to see any here! :( Hope all of you who were affected by it stayed safe and warm.


RUTH said...

Oh Mini-Me I'm so glad it was a nightmare and not real! Anna hope all continues to go well at work will we see Mimi-Me dressed in finery for the awards night! Our snow didn't last long but we made the most of it. A few pics on my other blogs.

talj said...

Great pic Anna! Hope you have fun at the awards and enjoy your socializing! Looks like you are gonna do great in your new role :o)

Kaycee said...

Anna, I just love your Mini-Me stories and photos!
Its sounds like your new job will be challenging and rewarding. Best of luck!
I'm sorry to hear that the snow melted before you were able to enjoy it. We have already received 8 inches of snow today here in Central NY State (on top of about 10 inches.) I wish that it would stop. I am sure that we wouldn't mind shipping some of our snow to you!

CG said...

Those scary teddies are great!! Where on earth do you find all your props??

Hope the job continues to go well :)

mrsnesbitt said...

Ohhh so funny, really made me laugh!
Anybody who visits my blog today and leaves a comment will have their name entered into a draw, then true to style three names will be picked out of a hat......not sure how,but it will be an interesting process.......

winners will receive a selection of my new ATC' first attempts, made because of the enthusiasm and passion people showed here,

Thanks all!
I also am approaching my 13,000th visitor.........I always give one of my bespoke cards to the visitor nearest the 13,000 more pressies up for grabs!

Lori Schmidt (LoriProPhoto) said...

Oooooh you have some really scary things in your arsenal of goodies!!!! Glad it was just a nightmare for Mini-Me though.LOL. You should write children's novels, you have a great imagination.


Lori Schmidt (LoriProPhoto) said...

Sorry meant to addy, glad your job is going okay, I am sure you will settle into the routine quickly. Sorry you got no snow, if I could send you some I would.
