"Duckie, you're not looking too well." Mini-Me's brow furrows in concern as he looks at his friend. "I think you have a touch of fever. And those spots - they can't be normal."
Duckie just looked on, bemused yet grateful for Mini-Me's concern and caring.
Poor Duckie. Perhaps it's not a fever. Has Duckie tried a touch of Clearasil?
How sweet of Mini-me to be so concerned. I wonder if Duckie should go and see the Quack?
I´m so glad to find you on flickr and now this nice blog!!!
This photo makes me smile....I love it!
I´m from Sweden and I love to take a walk with my new camera.....have a nice day! Bye!!!
How much fun!
Ooops. Sorry, I didn't mean to minimize the duck's suffering. I enjoy your photos so much!
LOL...what a cute duck. I love all the things you find to photograph...
Hi ,
What a sweet "Calimero duckie"...
I like the picture & capture also, nothing to much, itsall in its rigt place...
Happy weekend :) JoAnn
(sepia cows)
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