Monday, 19 March 2007

March 19 ~ When Iggy Met Duckie

They moved closer and closer to each other, each eyeing the other warily. Ever so slowly, they got close enough to touch noses and sniff each other carefully. Wonder what they think of one another?

Not going to be much of a post today, I'm afraid; it's been another bad night for me. Between the howling winds rattling the windows and the residual aches and pains from Saturday, I didn't get much sleep and found myself roaming the house at 3am. I did manage to play with a shot from my trip to Holy Island a couple of weeks back and process my first ever HDR shot. I took one RAW image, converted it into shots with 7 different exposure values, and combined them using a program called Photomatix. This is the result:



CG said...

Oh, I like the HDR shot, Anna! This process can produce great results. I'm hoping to try something called an Orton sandwich - when I get that mythical thing called "time to myself". Love the shot of Iggy and Ducky too...looks like love at first sight to me.
Take care and I'll keep my fingers crossed you get some sleep soon xxxxxx

RUTH said...

I really hope you get some sleep soon; it's been a while now and you'll get really run down. I love your Iggy and Ducky photo and although I don't have a clue what you're talking about technically...the Holy Island "reworking" looks beautiful.

talj said...

Sorry to hear your not doing so well Anna, hope you get some sleep and feel much better soon {{{HUGS}}} xx

Anna said...

Hope you feel better....I like your shot with the boat!

mrsnesbitt said...

Hope you are feeling better soon. This weather is not good!

Libbys Blog said...

You certainly have a way with photos! Great what you can do nowadays!!